Headlines and Updates for November 25, 2019: Heads up—Incoming Projectile [videos]

November 25, 2019

We hit 20 million views on SE The Big Picture this weekend. I guess that makes us worth shadow banning. It’s certainly taking a lot longer to rack up the hits than it used to a few years ago but that’s show biz—and big tech censorship.

We got a short lead time on an asteroid/fireball for today. These space rocks are a little hokey if you ask me. Shields up!

Fireball Watch! Huge 500ft Asteroid to Fly Past Earth On Monday & Come Back In 7 Years

We can tell the effort to educate the People has been very successful.

Post-Hearing Polls: Support for Impeachment has Collapsed


Kirk Pendergrass and Dr. Good Vibes brought us another Field Report update today. Field called in, the name Timothy Charles Holmseth came up again, and was included in a decode by SerialBrain2 as relevance to Ukraine, which is also related to Broward County as Field has reported.

Punahou McConnell ends Punahou Obama’s Chicago Pay – To – Play Democrats

See Kirk’s site at www.eclause.org. Someone tried to buy a site by that name to cause problems but hijacking it won’t work.

Kirk reminds each of us, no matter what country of residence, that we need to take action and use due process of law to ensure that government officials are doing their jobs correctly and remove those who are not. It isn’t our right, it’s our duty.

President Trump is reviewing the entire Executive Branch—and I believe that includes the Senior Executive Service—a true cesspool. Learn more about that arm of the government in the comprehensive post from American Intelligence Media which we mirrored some time ago.

And, in divine timing, AIM4Truth published this today.

Senior Executive Service: White Collar Traitors

There is a veritable army of people in the SES, and as it stands now we can’t fire ’em. They’re old regime holdovers, for the most part, and they aren’t accustomed to anyone calling their actions or ethics into question and we have to find a way to route them out. Do the People understand what President Trump is up against in this swamp?

Dr. Good Vibes reminded us of the unspeakable things the demonic forces on our planet do to babies before the umbilical cord has even been removed and I hope that those who have thrown stones at Field McConnell and/or awared-winning investigative journalist Timothy Holmseth will reconsider and understand the obvious reason for the attacks. Think logically.

Kirk clarified a few aspects of what is unfolding now and assures us it’s not over.

There is definitely a price on Prince Andrew’s head now. He knows far too much about far more than Jeffrey Epstein’s operation but it’s easy to see that the Patriots’ plan to expose the pedophilia is in motion now and it will be a runaway train.

Prince Andrew Advised Not To Fly To US In Order To Avoid Arrest

This special on 60 Minutes Australia was very good, but narrow in focus, of course. It’s strictly about Epstein, a mention of the Duke, and nothing about the massive scope of the global pedophilia network other than to say the girls were trafficked to many powerful people including royalty and politicians. No satanic sacrifices, only revealing that Epstein and Maxwell wanted Virginia Roberts Giuffre to have a baby and sign it over to them.

The carnage has to stop, people. To turn away is to say you don’t care because it’s not you they’re preying on. Is this what it is going to take to prove to people what the demonic satanists do to Humans?

An insider going by the name of “Gene” has recently put out information on multiple topics; some as yet uncorroborated by other sources. Aspects of this I’ve heard before, some confirms previous releases of related or similar information, and some is new. It may connect some dots for you, but as always, use your discernment.

He does get into the spiritual aspect of this battle quite a bit with details about the demonic forces, the witches’ covens, spells, etc., and kuru, and the underground bunkers and tunnels, fires in California, etc.

The overarching goal of the White Hats is to execute this operation and liberate the planet while keeping the population calm and safe. Knowing that, you can understand why they would not reveal everything that involves. I don’t know what kind of clearance Gene has for releasing this, so, as Q says… “Handle with care.”

We should all perform our due diligence and prepare for a couple of weeks of supplies in case some chaos interrupts the supply chain… we have martial law… the banking system is shut down, etc. Anything could happen—and even some simple weather or natural events could impact our ability to access food, water, meds, etc. so it’s just smart to prep some basics that you need every day for our families and pets.

Above all, please keep the patriots including the Trump family in your thoughts and positive intentions.

Thanks for the heads up, L. This was certainly interesting and plenty of food for thought.

Gene #3 Interview. Calif War,18 attempts on Potus,*Black Sorcerers




Looks like the dimms are planning another clean election. Not!

Election Fraud on a National Scale?


Here’s some positive news. The people of Arkansas would be well looked after.

And this is how it’s done. Replace the criminals with good, honest patriots in service to others, rather than themselves.

Get rid of the old cronies who are past their expiry date and get some fresh, young, energetic, creative blood in power.

Sarah Sanders Gives Update on Possible Arkansas Gubernatorial Run

If you get vaccinations, or allow your children to get jabbed, I hope you know what you’re doing.

A good rule of thumb: do the opposite of what the government tries to convince you to do. If they say it’s a good thing; it’s a bad thing.

FDA Shocking Study: Cells Used In Vaccines Contaminated With Serious Viruses Including Cancer


This is a very late update so I’m going to wrap it up here. See you on Q’sday.  ~ BP