The Late Edition for July 29, 2020: The Deep State is Sinking Lower and Lower [videos]

July 29, 2020

It looks like I’m going to be sending some strong correspondence to Martha McSally, Gov. Ducey and the retailer as well as check in with our constitutional sheriff as I’ve just been informed that our grocery store is saying masks are now mandatory. Not happening.

I had to hire a personal shopper. (I sent my other half) I’ll starve before I’ll wear a mask. They need to stop this BS. It’s 112F for F sakes and hubby came home with sweat running down his neck. I gave him a big tip.

If all the stupid measures we’ve been forced to take for nearly five months worked, then the virus would be gone—which I believe it is. The tests and numbers are fake and I’m beyond pissed.

Look at these psychos! It’s really hard to have faith in intolerant sheeple. This is bringing out the worst in Humanity—and me. They’ve succeeded in dividing us in yet another way and it’s apparent this nightmare isn’t going away any time soon, because it’s all about the election.

Did  you watch any of the footage from the hearing on Big Tech monopolistic censorship, election rigging, intimidation of competitors, etc? It was revealing to hear the line of questioning that came from the House Judiciary Committee members resulting from the testimony of various parties and the statements they made about the actions of Facebook’s Zuckerberg, for example.

Rep. Greg Steube of Florida directly asked Google’s Sundar Pichai about the America’s Frontline Doctors videos that were axed by YouTube and he squirmed around and said Google/YouTube are responsible for filtering out material in opposition to generally accepted information with respect to public safety—like the guidelines from the CDC—and said that is an example of their yardstick for policing the Internet.

So, a group of various kinds of American doctors speaking to the public about what they have experienced in their practices, clinics and hospitals because they supported the use of Hydroxychloroquine because it saved all their patients, was deemed to be “dangerous” to the public. Lying turd.

What that really means is, the information is beneficial to the public, but dangerous to the deep state agenda because it would erode the public’s view of COVID-19 as a pandemic—because it isn’t.

ACTUALLY, if you listened to the doctors’ press conference yesterday you would have heard the group specifically refer people directly to the CDC website which speaks favourably of Hydroxychloroquine, an FDA-approved drug in use for malaria and other health issues for 65 years.

Off with their heads!

DEADLY COVER UP: Fauci Approved Hydroxychloroquine 15 Years Ago to Cure Coronaviruses; “Nobody Needed to Die”


Purely politics—and they don’t even try to hide it. But there’s blood on their hands. Heads are gonna roll.



Get used to it, snowflakes!

OMG—Uncle Rob Trump is a hoot and he’s been doing nothing for days but Tweet, by the look of it. It appears he is as truthful as his brother.

It’s like he is daring Twitter to take him down. Interesting that @Jack didn’t grace the committee with his presence at the hearing today. I wonder if he’s been arrested.

What happened here? CNN snuck through the Twitter bots.

And it’s not even August yet…

The Truth is coming out and nothing can stop it. Watch the worms squirm. And lie.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg RESPONDS to Rep. Matt Gaetz over Project Veritas #ExposeFacebook Report

The essential X22 Report concludes with the usual must-have analysis of the insanity we’re watching unfold every day now.

Optics Are Very Important, People Cannot Be Told, They Must See It To Believe It – Episode 2236b

Batten down the hatches, indeed.   ~ BP